by Spike Stevens | Dec 6, 2021 | Behavior, Blog, Geoconquesting, Location Data
Spike Stevens Behavior | Blog | Geoconquesting | Location Data Supercharged Location Data: Heatmaps and Clusters There’s a cohort-based type of location data called cluster data, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: understanding where and when clusters...
by Spike Stevens | Sep 27, 2021 | Blog, Competition, Geoconquesting, Location Data
Spike Stevens Blog | Competition | Geoconquesting | Location Data Supercharged Location Data: Competitor Locations and Conquesting Think about the effective marketing you could do if you knew how many visits your direct competitors were receiving from your customers....
by Roger Hurni | Sep 17, 2021 | Blog, Casino Industry, Competition, Geoconquesting
Roger Hurni Blog | Casino Industry | Competition | Geoconquesting Geoconquesting: What Is It And When Is It A Bad Marketing Strategy? Getting customers from your competitors is one of the most important marketing strategies a brand should embrace. To date, the efforts...
by Roger Hurni | Jun 21, 2021 | Behavior, Blog, Geoconquesting, Location Data, Proximity Engagement
Roger Hurni Behavior | Blog | Geoconquesting | Location Data | Proximity Engagement Proximity Marketing Strategies: What You Need to Know. It drives me crazy when I read a post that is all tactical, but the author is trying to pass it off as strategic. I read such a...
by Roger Hurni | Jun 21, 2021 | Blog, Geoconquesting, Location Data, Proximity Engagement
Roger Hurni Blog | Geoconquesting | Location Data | Proximity Engagement Battle of the Geofences. And how to apply a winning strategy. So, I’m in Minneapolis for a conference (stay with me a minute, this is relevant). I arrived early so I can see a little of a...
by Roger Hurni | Jun 19, 2021 | Behavior, Blog, Casino Industry, Competition, Geoconquesting
Roger Hurni Behavior | Blog | Casino Industry | Competition | Geoconquesting How to Get Back the Customer Loyalty You’re Losing. At a conference recently, I was approached by a regional franchisor who wanted to ask me some questions about his customer loyalty program....